This will probably be my offical website soon, my (unofficial) website :D :Click here!. Also most of my socials and other things are there too so...yeah idk.
I also think that most of the things that have been added will have their own sections later. I am already working on making another section (probably...) that you can check out for updates also! A lot more will be added to the map, more links and other kind of things that I have planned for this ;3
To do list (for now...):
Things are still being added, but I am hoping to finish on this website by maybe this year or something :p. Also I am hoping to make this prettier once I learn more about this stuff @_@
Since this is the homepage to this thing, ofc expect it to be subject to tests and having inconsistant changes (just like me!!! //∇^
My best friend for this right now? Search, literally. Don't care what anyone says because it's helpful okay >:(, without search, I would be sooooooo lost. I'll add links and stuff later becuase right now I am tired and my brain is fried from back to back testing uguhguhugh